OH Events 2010

Mar 29, 2010


I'm headed to California for another Obesity Help Conference!  Let's go!

Click above for a discounted ticket.

(If you can't come to California, stay tuned for Cincinnati, and Houston!  Coupon code "MeltingMama" works for all events, just type it in.)

I am also actively seeking brand partners for Obesity Help, companies whose products or services would be perfect to share at the events while getting their brand out there to all of us in person and online via ObesityHelp.com.  

There are SO MANY BRANDS and PRODUCTS out there that we as WLS'ers use, love, adore, or don't even know enough about just yet.  Get your stuff in front of US.  (I'm talking to you!  You know it.)

If your company would like to get involved -- shoot me an email at [email protected] and I can set you up with the folks in charge!

