2 Weeks Post-op

Feb 01, 2011

Well the first 2 weeks are over.  There hasn't  been too much to complain about. My husband went back to work today and I am happy about that. As much as I love him it gets hard when there is the both of us home and it is 40 below and we are both stuck inside and him hovering over me to make sure that I am fine.

There are a few things that I wish that I never did these past few weeks. My husband doesn't drive so I have been out driving a couple of times. I got stomach soreness from it. Not bad pains just an ache that won't go away. We parked the truck in the garage and now that is where it stays. I do not have to go out until next week so I hope that I don't get the same reaction to driving.

I really haven't lost any weight in the last 5-6 days. I am trying not to get frustrated as I expected this but not until next week. I know that it was going to happen but really already?  C'mon! I haven't even stopped feeling the soreness from the surgery yet.  I keep telling myself to be patient because as we all know it will eventually start falling off. Good things happen to those who wait. My Mom used to say that I was the most impatient person she knew :).

I have been getting in my 60g of protein almost from the beginning.  I do enjoy my rtd shakes from Costco. I feel like I get to drink chocolate milk. I have been drinking those, water and poweraid zero. I was doing jello but I was never a big fan of it so I haven't had any the past couple of days, although the first few days home from the hospital it was my saviour.  I also have soup broths. I really like the broth from Campbell's veggie soup. Today I think that I am going to mix it up and try some mushroom soup. I have been very scared to move onto the next phase in the diet. I do wonder if that is why my weight loss have come to a stall already. I was suppose to move onto the pureed stage last week but am still sticking with the liquids. I wish that I wasn't such a baby about it.

Okay I guess that would bring me to the stuff that I am nervous about. I am so scared of dumping! I don't want to try anything different from what I am doing now. I know that I need to but... I haven't. I should be on the pureed stage of my diet now and I still am basically doing fluids. I have been eating (if that is what you want to call it) yogurt. I figure that I must not be lactose intolerance if I can handle that. I promised myself that I will have the mushroom soup today but I don't think that will be too much of a problem. Yesterday I had chunky soup blended in my food processor. It went down fine but it was like drinking soup broth. I really need to step it up but worry about dumping, vomiting, clogging up the pipe works, just to name a few. I really wish that I could get over it. I know that I will feel better in another 6 weeks when everything is done healing, I hope. I know that I can't live off liquid until then. I am happy that I finally get to see my NUT on the 15th. I will be 1 month out at that time and hopefully can get some support from her.

Wow I guess that I have a lot to complain about, sorry, it is just the way that I am feeling right now. I do not regret this surgery in the slightest but like they say you can research until you are blue in the face but when your time comes it is a different story.

I really wish that I had more close friends that lived in the city that I call home. I am not originally from Winnipeg. I sure could use someone to give me a ride. I never thought that driving would be such a hassle. That is what upsets me the most. I figured that driving would be of no problem. I have a personal dietician who I would just love to go see but don't want to drive. I know for sure that I would get the tools and support I feel like I need to help me move on to the next stage in my diet from her.

I have never been such a wimp in my life and it is starting to get to me. I can't believe that I am scared to try different foods!  Lol, I wish that I was scared to try different foods years ago, I might have never gotten this big in the first place.

I have been walking 3 time a day for 10 mins. Today I have kicked it up abit and started doing 15mins 3x a day. Today it is 38 Celsius below with the wind chill outside. I can't wait until it warms up and I can go for an actual walk outside, although I will worry about slipping in the snow. It feels like there is always something to worry about now. I can't wait until the first 2 months is up, I think that by then I will have calmed down some.

One last thing to write about before I sign off. Pains. I had some pains from the gas when I was let out of the hospital. I got my surgery on a Monday and was okay with them by the Sunday. When the gas pains were gone, I started to feel the discomfort in my stomach from the actual surgery. I think that I would feel better on the insides if I hadn't of driven. Last week I went out 4 different times. They were short drives each time but the last one when we got to where we were going I had to sit down while my husband ran around and got our stuff. I wouldn't have gone out at all that time but I ran out of my rtd shakes and just couldn't handle the powder stuff that I have in the cupboard (yuck!).  I have been getting a pain in my right calf. It really hurts when I get up in the morning but gets better thoughout the day . I think that it is my muscle because after walking it eases. 

Well I could keep on bitching but I am going to stop now. I am too busy typing and not busy enough drinking my water :)

I hope that everyone has a great day!!


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