
Jul 31, 2010

Just came back from Vacation. Did a 2 1/2 week road trip. Started in New York. Drove down to Myrtle Beach South Carolina and then visited family in Florida (Palm Bay and Hollywood). We then Drove back and stopped in Washington DC to tour the White House and the Smithsonian.

Had a great time. While in Florida I was able to complete a long time goal of mine. To ride a roller coaster with my son (11 years old). We went to Universal Studios and rode the Hulk, Dueling Dragons and went on the Dr. Doom ride. It was great hearing and watching my sons reactions. As we were doing the free fall drop on Dr. Doom my son screamed this was the most fun he's every had in his entire life. We also went on the Harry Potter ride (which by the way is awesome).

I was a bit concerned if I was going to fit on the rides. The Hulk ride has a test seat (prior to getting on line)  to see if you can fit the ride. I guess it's to avoid embarrassment. Which by the way I was totally embarrassed the last time I was there four years ago when I was ejected from the ride because I didn't fit.

Even though I passed the test seat. The thought was still running through my mind. It didn't help that there were signs while waiting on the line that indicated that due to the nature of different body dimensions some riders will not fit into the seat.

Any way I had a blast.

It was interesting seeing my family in Florida as I haven't been there since February prior to my Surgery. Everyone including my mother was shocked. They were all supportive in February when I told them but now they were seeing the result.

It was interesting seeing the reactions. One of my favorite aunts said I should stop loosing. That I was starting to look scary. 

It made me think about my goals. Dr. Nish said I should decide my goal. But he would be happy if I got in the mid 200's. I told him I want to shoot for 220. As of today I weigh 233 pounds. I'm 13 pounds from my goal. 

I was thinking about my aunts comments. I'm happy with where my weight loss is. I had to buy even more clothes as the ones I bought last month which were tight then are baggy now. Today I'm fitting into a Large shirt and 36" waist pants. I haven't worn these sizes since Jr. High School.

I then saw Sky's posting from last week. That posting talked about taking advantage of the honeymoon period (first year after surgery). As that's the easiest time to loose weight. I'm now considering getting down to the Normal BMI range which would be 180 Pounds. If I don't like the way I look I can always increase. I think that makes alot of sense.

As far as eating while I was on vacation. On the road we ate at several restaurants including Denny's, Cracker Barrel, The Waffle House to name a few. It was mostly appetizer food did alot of Chili. Didn't have any issues keeping stuff down. On occasion I splurged and deviated from program. Once I drank a Oreo and Cookie Milk shake from a Ice Cream Parlor named Brewster's in Myrtle Beach. This by far was one of the best Milk shakes that I have ever had.

It was more difficult controlling my self in Florida. I'm from a Jamaican family...Yet I married an American women who doesn't cook any Jamaican food. Therefore I was exposed to wonderful food that I have missed which I grew up on such as Ackee and Salt Fish, Dumplings, Rice and Peas, Plantains, etc...

It was great tasting all that food again. Thankfully my sleeve kept me in check. I didn't throw up anything..

Even though I deviated from program I didn't gain any weight. In fact over the two week period I lost 3 pounds. Very happy with that. I was expecting to gain at least two. Normally I weigh my self every morning. But I didn't have access to a scale.

This was a true vacation...Very relaxing.

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New York, NY
Surgery Date
Feb 10, 2010
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