What a change a day makes!

Mar 10, 2010

Yesterday I was so disapointed. I had gone form 272.4 to 277 lbs. How disapointing. I have hardly eaten anything sence surgery on 3/4/10... How could that be. I cried for about 5 minuets.. My husband was so suportive.. He said "Honey, I love you no matter what you weigh". I thought It was all for nothing., the surgery, the pain, all of that sutff. I was so hurt and disapointed in myself.. What more could I do?
This morning I steped on the scales with hope. OH Great! 269.9... Now that is more like it. I was so happy.. I am writing this just to let you know It is okay to gain a little weight it is usually the need of a bowel movement. That was my case. I am so relieved in both ways..

