What's Happing??

Mar 17, 2010

Not sure what is going on. My weight keeps bouncing from 263 to 265. My husband says that he can tell I am loosing. I can see it but wishing I would go down further. I keep walking but nothing. I can only hope that things change. some days I will have loose stools and some days will be fine.
I hear of people who lose 15 lbs in a month. Maybe it is good that the weight is coming off but not fast. The excess fat I will have left over is a worry to me, but It is doing fine right now. My stomach is shrinking nicely. I have noticed how baggy my pants are getting. My tops are really loose too. My husband says it is shifting in the right places.. Maybe he is right... Oh, Well Life will happen any way I look at it..
The highlight of my day is knowing that I am no longer a Diabetic.. Thank you for that.
As Scarlett said in "Gone With the Wind", Tomorrow is another Day..

