Finally Home....and having gas pain

Apr 08, 2011

I had surgery Monday April 4th and i am home as of yesterday so I guess I am 3 to 4 days post-op, not sure how they count it. They were okay on pain managment up there but there was nothing! they could offer me for this pain besides walking!!! not something you want to hear when you are in pain!!!! The problem: I have a LOT of gas bubbles (ouchy) in my stomach and what seems like my chest cavity!, only a few here in there will work there way out, and also VERY bloated, poochy tummy. I look 6 month pregnant and didn't before my lapricscopic surgery. Can anyone tell me if this is normal for just a few days post-op? I am walking...and and that helps a little, but then when I lay down at night the noisey rummbles begins. but I can not fathum that there is nothing on the market that can help this pain! or relieve this? I am not ready to be takin out back and be shot just yet but any helpful remedies..home or otherwise..plllllease!!! tell me..tell me...tell me...

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Mar 11, 2011
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