May 27, 2010

May 26, 2010

Well, I am finally through all the kidney stone mess. Had surgery last week Wed. to remove a very large stone that had managed to  squeeze its' way down to the bottom of my ureter and was not a candidate for lithotripsy. Of course, the ureter was all beat to heck from the stone grinding its' way down, so had to leave a stent in for 5 days. That came out on Monday, and I have been improving vastly since then. Even went back to work on Monday and Tuesday nights, I still get tired kind of easily, but I always have that after anesthesia. Takes me a week or more to get it out of my system. So I am hoping I am done with medical issues for the year! I have spent more time in hospitals over the past year than in my whole lifetime. And most of it is not DS related-just old age I guess. I am doing well from a DS standpoint(I think)-no major eating issues, although I do still vomit at least once every week or two, but no big deal. It is almost always the result of eating too much too fast. Or reheated leftovers, which I have to be very careful of. My weight stays in the 130's, which is a little thin, but I am happy there. Although every time I see myself in a photo, it shocks me how thin I am, and I think I should probably weigh at least 10 lbs. more than I do. But I don't see the thinness when I look in a mirror. Guess I have some issues, huh? The main one is extreme fear of regaining weight. I will NEVER go back to where I was before. But I am not dieting in any way, and actually eat quite a lot to keep my weight up where it is, including a fair amount of carbs, both good and bad. But I fear reaching that point where the effectiveness of the bypass starts to decrease and I have to work harder to keep the weight off. I am NOT good at dieting-never was, hence the need for WLS. So far I seem to be a malabsorbing machine, so I hope it stays that way.
I am going to go get flowers to plant since the weather is so gorgeous and Memorial Day is almost here so have to get the yard all gorgeous for the summer.

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About Me
County Line, MI
Surgery Date
May 24, 2007
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