January 2, 2011

Jan 01, 2011

Well, it is the new year and time for an update. Too busy with a lot of not nice stuff in Dec. to do this. I was really hoping for a good Christmas this year as last year was awful, but it was not to be. I have recovered well from my colitis that put me  in the hospital for 12 days in Nov., but my FIL became very ill with CHF after Thanksgiving and passed away rather suddenly from cardiac arrest on Dec. 20th. So a funeral 2 days before Christmas and then having to live with my MIL who cannot be alone due to falling. And all the endless phone calls and paperwork that accompany dying! Never realized how complicated it is...dying is actually the easy part! Finally got her moved in temporarily with her also elderly sister until we can get all their financial stuff figured out and get her in assisted living to the tune of $3500/month. She is 92 years old and generally in good shape other than her balance issues, so we think this will be the best answer to her needs. My hubby is their only child, so it really falls on me to deal with all this, and I am at the end of my mental rope at this point. Note to anyone reading this....do NOT have only one child! But I am finally, as of yesterday, back in my own house and my own bed, and now have access to a computer and DirectTV, so life is a lot better again! I would not do well as an Amish person!
     As far as my health goes, I have recovered from my awful colitis/diarrhea episode and have my strength back again, so now I need to get my sorry butt back on the treadmill and get back in shape. I have done NOTHING for the past 6 weeks or more due to illness and the incidents following in December, and I can tell. Much as I hate to exercise, I feel better when I do. On a bright note, my gastroenterologist has put me back on Actigal and it seems to have solved a lot of my GI issues, especially the gas and bloating. I had started to have mild bile duct spasms again off and on since summer. I had not associated the increased gassiness with this, but now I think that had a lot to do with it. I did have a rather uncomfortable "attack" at work the other night, but that was the first one in a long time. And it was followed by a lot of gas and intestinal miseries over the next 12 hours, which always happens after one of these attacks. I think I had missed my actigal that afternoon as my med taking really fell by the wayside over the holidays due to my very upset lifestyle schedule. So I am hoping that now that my life is somewhat back on track, I can keep this under control. My New Year resolution this year is to stay out of the hospital! I have some lab work due in January to check my liver function as well as some vitamin levels so we'll see where that all lands.


About Me
County Line, MI
Surgery Date
May 24, 2007
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