Going back to work!

Jan 29, 2011

I am three weeks out and am going back to work!  I am still having pain on that left side but it seems to be getting better.   I have some concern about  getting all my nutrition on the days I work.  I am gong to have to really concentrate on it to stay on track.  I went to the occupational health nurse Friday to get the all clear, and she warned me about letting my blood sugar drop.  She said that seems to be happening a lot for folks at work who had RNY.  I haven't heard anything about that. 

Now, being only three weeks out, my weight loss has stalled.  I am trying not to worry about it.  The doctor told me it was coming.  My husband tells me I need to get out and walk, but I just haven't felt like it.  It is a nice day out today and I am going to go for a walk.  It seems that my side hurts more if I am up and about.  Don't get me wrong... I am still doing my daily stuff (washing clothes, dishes, straightening the home) but the more I am up the worse it hurts.  So I guess I am going to have to push myself some.  

I have had two or three episodes of pain, and agony after eating.  I think I may be eating too fast.  And I feel like I need to sip something to drink while eating.  I know that is a "no no"  but I feel like I am going to choke if I don't sip.  Does anyone have some suggestions for me?  I am doing great with staying on track with what I eat.  I even took the twins to a birthday party at Chucky Cheese and had no problem with not eating.  I was so proud!  What a change...I have always been the mom hovering over the table trying to get a bite here and there.  But those days are over!!!  Thank you Lord!!! 

I can wear some of the clothes I put away two years ago.  It is so exciting to put something on that I know I couldn't wear.  It feels good.  I'm sure that feeling will continue.  Can't wait for this stall to end. 

Ta ta for now!  Love to all!


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Surgery Date
Oct 19, 2010
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