
Jun 21, 2013

Well, I'm sleeved!  Had my surgery on Monday the 17th and was discharged on the 19th.  Could have technically gone home on the 18th but with a 3.5 hr drive, we wanted to wait one more day.  I'm doing okay and have just weaned myself off of my pain medicine swapping over to Extra Strength Tylenol every 4 hrs or later.  The recovery and pain isn't as bad as I remember my c-section being but it is pretty hefty (no pun intended, haha).

On Monday, I got to the hospital at 10:30 and started the process.  I finally went back to surgery around 1:30 and was out as soon as they put the mask on me.  I was so nervous but everyone was so sweet and helpful.  I did NOT react well to my "statall" iv pain med.  It made me very irritable but thankfully my hubby endured the wrath and got me swapped over to the lortab elixer!  We got tickled later that I was pretty close to the exorcist minus my head spinning and he said I was kicking the covers off and getting irritated about everything itching me and touching me! I wish I had a video.  

 I'm sleeping well and last night I slept the full night with no 3 am trips to the ladies room to urinate as experienced every night previously.  I'm in and out of my bed by myself and pretty proud of my liquids and walking that I've been getting in.  I have to say, my husband has been a doll with everything.  He has helped me do everything and I am feeling really blessed!

I go for my 1 week post op visit on Tuesday morning.  Interesting fact -- I was told I had a "longer" stomach than most others.  HAHA I couldn't help but laugh.  That would be me and my luck that my stomach was much longer than the norm.  I could have told you that from the fact that I could eat my husband under the table any day!  :)  Those days are GONE!  I'm looking forward to what the future holds!

 I was 228 at the hospital on the morning of my surgery which means I lost 20 lbs on my liquid diet!  He said my liver looked great and was really shrunk!  I was so proud of myself!  First proud moment of many!  

I have 6 incisions.  The longest is dimpled in which concerns me but he said there is only one stitch, the rest are glued!  I've seen others have the dimple where their longest incision was but they said it has eventually gone away.  Hope so!!  

My doctor has me on a clear liquid diet this week until my appt on Tuesday.  They will then give me my meal plan.  I believe I'll be adding the protein shakes in for week 2 post op, then so on until I meet solids around week 4.  Don't quote me.  We'll see! 

Wish me luck!  Any advice for a fresh sleever? 


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 06, 2013
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