Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Feb 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!!!!

This is the first Valentine's Day that you you have the opportunity to celebrate as the NEW YOU!!!!   Most of us on this forum, are at one of two places 1) we've made the decision, something in life has GOT to change, you are either researching surgery, your are pre-op and preparing for this life changing surgery, or 2) you are post-op and you are already reaping the wonderous rewards that this surgery has blessed you with.  

Being overweight almost my entire life, I find it is the simple things in life that the decision I made to have this surgery has returned to me.  

1. Breathing being the most important.  I was asthmatic, and a walk from the parking lot at work to the office, was KILLER.   I was embarrassed to walk in with anyone, because they would just be toodling along, and I was gasping for air at a VERY slow pace, and just the look on their faces, like holy crap is she gonna die before we get there, was humiliating.   I no longer take ANY asthma meds, and I can do laps around the parking lot.

2. Getting in the floor to play with my granddaughter.  Her other "grammy" could always do this and with normal 5 yr old questions, she could never understand why "Grandma Cathy" couldn't get in the floor to play.....I happily spent the Superbowl in the floor with her building Lincoln Log cabins and barns all afternoon.

3.  Human respect.   You  really choose to ignore all the lack of respect FAT people deal with daily.  This one just dawned on me yesterday, when a gentleman, who saw me approaching the same door he was approaching, stepped back, held the door for me, spoke very pleasantly and told me to have a lovely day.   I truly can't remember the last time, someone did that for me while I was FAT.  People just ignored me, and I certainly would have had to open that door for myself, after he was long gone.  It's really weird...I never paid attention to that during the fat days.  I guess people are afraid fat is contagious.

4. Loving myself.   I've always LIKED me, but this surgery has brought me to a stage where I LOVE me...not in a self obsessing, me me me way, but in a way that I also had a hard time remembering.  A place where I feel good about me, about the choices I've made in my life, a place where I know I've always tried to do my best, and be a good friend or family member.   It's a place where I know God blessed me with this life changing surgery, so that I can inspire others, give back to the OH community and be able to show people that a positive attitude, a respect for self, and God's love, can enpower you to do anything and everything you want to do in life.

I wish each and everyone that reads this the LOVE of Life that you so richly deserve.....and if YOU are in the research stage for surgery.....know that you are not reading this blog by accident....but by God's design.   Everything we do is by his design.  May God BLESS you this day and everyday of your life, as he has me.



About Me
Norman, OK
Surgery Date
Apr 01, 2009
Member Since

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