goal #1 reached!!!!!

Apr 29, 2014

Today during my naked weigh in I reached my 2 month month 40 lb goal 6 days in advance!!!! so excited I feel really positive today yeah; but I know generally after the 2 month point things slow further down with weight loss so now I'm going to set a new goal assuming/ hoping I lose 2lbs a week from now on. Today is 4/29/2014 I'm at 193lbs I will start new goal on 5/1 aim to reach goal 2 on 5/31 and will set that goal for 10 lbs. Its a steep goal but I think reasonable. What do you others with vsg do? Do you set monthly or weekly goals to you plan little treats like cloths shopping or spa days for incentive? I'd like to know so drop a line or two. Everyday has its struggles but I have no regrets about about this choice. 

