Singleness Awareness Day

Feb 11, 2011

I've had a great day today. Its almost valentines and love is in the air...Well not for me in the intimate significant other sense, but alas love is in the aire. I just feel like hugging people.  Why? I dont know and by the time I get home and greet my teenagers we shall see what the aire smells like. For now, though I am feeling the love.  

I had a wonderful luncheon at a fantastic resort here in Arizona, Top of the Rock at the Marriott Buttes. Lunch was great. I ate everything they served minus the mashed potatoes and roll. I ate a portion of my pear salad saved room for the main course. We were served a chicken rolade with baby carrot and green bean with some kind of sauce. I ate a third of my chicken serving and the vegetables. I was so proud of myself that some of the girls left uncomfortable I still felt great after eating my portion. What a good feeling. I did have some dessert. WOW it was fabulous. I even indulged in some coffee...good idea at the time and OH SO GOOD, but its 2 hours later and I'm getting that caffine coffee for me for a bit more of time. What a wonderful feeling to be able to go eat and feel good about my choices.  

Im currently at 292 lbs.. I cant believe 20 more pounds and I can say that Ive lost a hundred pounds. I know I have a long way to go still but its so amazing to know where I've come from to where I'm going. I'm thinking of Disney in March but possibly may wait til june only because I will be even smaller and rides will be quite the accomplishment. CANT WAIT!!.   Well today I want to wish you all a very happy SINGLENESS AWARENESS DAY and remember to love yourself as youre the best Valentine you could ever have.

