Post op Rants

Aug 12, 2012

So I'm almost 2 weeks post-op, during the first week I had pretty bad nausea and incision pain. The liquid vicodin has been heaven sent especially for sleep since I'm not able to sleep on my back (I'm a stomach & side sleeper) I awake everyday around 4 am with colic's ( I figured they are hunger pains) since as soon as I drink water it goes away.  I've gotten good at picking stuff off the floor with my toes since bending over has been a challenge.  The abdominal binder has came in handy.  Now the problem has been the worse case of constipation, I know TMI but truthfully I didn't think I was going to have that problem.  Walking and increasing my intake of fluids helped some. MOM as the physician recommended didn't work for me so I started using 100mg of DSS daily along with fiber since constipation is not fun... ( I rather have diarrhea)  The liquid diet has been a challenge so I heard about a book that has saved my life! It's called Eating well After Weight loss Surgery.  Basically you can eat many things but just in a soup consistency for the first few weeks.  I figured it would be OK just as long as it does not upset my stomach.  I'm still hungry, but it doesn't take much of the soups to fill me up but I thought these hormones producing hunger were suppose to decrease I dunno..I'm still craving for every single type of meat, including stuff I never ate before such as seafood, go figure now that I can't eat it but I really can't wait to crunch it in my teeth.  Anyway.. I'm still recouping, some people have been freaks of nature where they're back to work in less than a week pain free.. and here I am not even close to ready to return since my job is physical.  I'm highly considering on asking my surgeon for another 2 week extension on my medical leave. My 2 week post op is on Tuesday and I'm down 10lbs since surgery.. wooohooo!! 


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Anaheim, CA
Jul 22, 2012
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