Liquid day 3 - APPROOOOOOVED!!!!

Mar 31, 2011

 Got an email from my surgeon's office that I'd been approved for surgery. Can not believe the quick turn-around! Only 24hrs, unbelievable! It really starts to make me believe in the 3rd parties ..... possibly..... until I get PO'd at them again for denying claims on my clients or not paying me for bogus reasons. As a provider, I constantly dance the edge of liking insurance companies and hating their guts, daily. HOWEVER, as a patient, I am over the moon and could kiss whoever approved me! I really believe it's the prayers from everyone on the RNY forum! Y'all worked a miracle!
So here's my daily "meal" charting for day 3 of the liquid diet:
B- protein shake & crystal light
L- s/f jello, chicken broth, protein drink, crystal light
D - ???? more protein?

Had the same thing happen to me at "lunch" that happened yesterday. Had a bunch of s/f jello then felt like "food" was hitting my stomach hard. Had vociferous vocalizations from my intestines and it took a while for my guts to calm down. Don't think my body much likes starvation mode. I promise, tummy, this is not for your sake but the liver! She has to get smaller! I don't want open RNY, plz??? (Is this a sign of truly being a bypass patient, that we start to refer to our innards as a 3rd person?)


About Me
Germantown, MD
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2011
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