Day 10 - excited!

Apr 07, 2011

I'm feeling pretty good today, tiny headache but not feeling too hungry at all. Made a chocolate shake with creme de menthe flavoring (the kind in tiny bottles used for baking/cakemaking/chocolate making) so the flavoring is VERY concentrated and apparently I put a drop too many so it's more mint than chocolate flavor! But that's good for the tummy anyways.
I contacted my surgeon's nurse about the aleged missing biopsy results. She said they WERE in the chart, the dr just must have missed seeing them. Whew!! I was extremely worried about that and really puzzled as to why these friggen results were so hard to get ahold of! I also had a worry that I'd be positive for h.pylori and somehow that would keep me from having surgery on Tuesday. But, no worries! Negative for carcinoma & h.pylori! The ulcers really WERE caused by NSAIDs and that puts me at higher risk for ulcers in the future, so no asprin/motrin/aleve/etc for the rest of my life. Also talked about my poo - I told her I'd been having loose BMs since the start of the liquid diet and wasn't sure what else could possibly come out with the bowel prep. Surgeon seemed concerned but I really wasn't b/c it's just something I'd been dealing with being lactose intolerant and not very painful. Also had been scoped for any IBDs and negative (in both ends). Surgeon said that it'll probably get worse post-op. Oh,well. That's the lot I've been given so I'd rather just deal with poopies than obesity....
I'm al set for surgery. Got the milk of mag, rx for pains, hibiclens to sanitize the skin, bag packed, incentive spirometer all set up....... Tuesday can't come here fast enough!!! 


About Me
Germantown, MD
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2011
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