Making the most of head hunger

Apr 23, 2011

Happy Easter everyone!

I'm still recovering from Thursday where I pushed myself WAY too far and tried to put too much into the day. Oh well, lesson learned. I have a bit of pain near my biggest incision/drain site on my lower left side, kinda like a nagging muscle pain. It's a little better now after resting most of the day and seems to feel better when I put pressure on it when I'm walking around. Sitting, I feel no pain anywhere. I've been sleeping better, even on my sides! I'm meeting liquid & protein goals for the past few days, but had just no will to try any semi-solids like jello or pudding, even though my surgeon ok'd them. Here's where Food Network comes in - - - 
For those who have been dealing with nausea at the thought of getting more protein or liquids in their mouth, I've discovered that head hunger can be your friend! I've been watching Food Network & Travel Channel (which really should just be called Food In Places channel) today and feel that it actually helps me not feel so turned off by food. Some stuff looks absolutely great and when I start to feel that way, I have another cup of Unjury chicken broth or a few more sips of crystal light. Still quite detached from a real hunger feeling and watching food porn isn't making me crazy but just facilitating me getting the protein & liquids in. Who'da thunk it?? 


About Me
Germantown, MD
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2011
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