
Jul 08, 2014

I had RNY on June 30th. I woke up a bit sore but otherwise fine. When Dr. Ameri came to tell me how it went, he said it went fine, but that my liver was very large and he took a biopsy because it looked like early cirrhosis. A few days later, I noticed that "Cirrhosis, no mention of alcohol" was noted on my health portal for his practice.  While he said that it should be "fine now" because of the surgery, I'm freaked out. Since when is cirrhosis fine? I know intellectually he means that since the surgery and accompanying weight loss will, in theory resolve the underlying diabetes/fatty liver/NASH issue that led to the cirrhosis (I drink maybe once a month) that the progression will stop and I shouldn't have any more problems. I'm freaked out though. So much so, it's distracting me from all the good that has happened, like my blood sugars normalizing before I even left the hospital and the weight I've lost already. The biopsy results are not back yet and I don't see him again till the 15th. Hopefully then I'll get some answers, along with the staples out and clearance to go in the pool. I searched on the forums for others who had cirrhosis discovered during their surgeries, and there are a few but not many. One person's last post was in 2012 and it was about experiencing abdominal pain near the liver. I found that rather ominous.   I hope they are okay.  I know if my Dr doesn't seem worried, then I shouldn't either but it's hard. I think it's just the idea that I waited so long to have this surgery, it was supposed to solve many of my health issues, and now I have another, bigger one to worry about!



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Oct 20, 2013
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