Pre-surg testing complete

Aug 06, 2010

Well, I made it through all the pre-surgery testing today and meetings today.  First up, labwork.  Then I was off to have my gallbladder, liver, pancreas, spleen, and bladder scan.  The results were good.  I have a fatty liver, imagine that! LOL  But everything else looks I get to keep my gallbladder.  Hopefully, the Actigall will do it's job and I won't need to have my gallbladder removed down the line.  
After that was complete, I went back to the surgeons office to talk with the nurse, the P.A., and the nutritionist.  Those meetings all went well.  Then I got to meet my surgeon.  He seems very professional and experienced.  So feel like I will be in good hands with him.  After that I was off to get an ecg, piece of cake!!  Heart checked out completely normal.  Yay!  Then, I was off to yet another office within the hospital to get a chest x-ray.   And finally last, but certainly not least, I headed to the anesthesiologist.  
So everything is good....still following the liquid diet.  Now I just sit back and wait for the big day!!!


About Me
Surgery Date
May 23, 2010
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