Take Me Home Country Roads...(WOW)

Aug 28, 2010

Couldn't help but think of that old song, "Take Me Home Country Roads, Back to the Place Where I Belong..."  I set out for my normal 1/2 hour walk.  My dear sweet husband offered to go along.  Of course I was happy that he offered and looked forward to the company.  Well, we live on a rural gravel road with pretty rolling hills.  Anyway, we set out for my normal route, which is about 1.5 miles.  But when we reached the blacktop, where I normally turn around and head back toward the house, he suggested we follow the black top over to see why the main road was closed to through traffic. I said, "Okay...I suppose I can climb that hill, as it is black top at this point, then we can see over the hill, find out what is going on with the construction and then turn back for home."  Well, we climbed the hill and then he had the bright idea to walk on down to see exactly what was being done..and then suggested we could go on up the next hill, then turn on the next gravel road..following it to make a huge square (more or less) and back to our house.  "Uh...okay...I guess.  But if I die on the side of the road, you will have to go get the van and drive back for my body!" I said.  So yeah...I made it up that hill...and found that the next gravel road has even more rolling hills than ours!  And finally made it over to the next gravel road that would take us back to our road.  Yet more HILLS!!!  As we were walking up the biggest hill, I told my hubby that just yesterday our 5 year old daughter had asked me if our hills were mountains!  Of course we were in the van on the way to town and I told her, "No, honey those are just small hills.  Mountains are humongous."  Humongous was her big word for the day.  And we stopped at the bookstore where she flipped through a large picture book of real mountains.  But as I was climbing the largest of the hills today, I feel a bit like I was climbing a mountain!  :0)  Maybe she was right!  LOL  And if that isn't enough..all the traffic was being re-routed along the same roads we were walking.  Talk about dust...omg...it was crazy..and normally we would see one or two cars at most on the gravel roads.  It's a good thing I am not allergic to the dust.  Anyway, we made it back home...totaled up the mileage...just over 4 miles!!!  Not bad...did take longer than a normal walk on blacktop though...gravel is pretty hard to walk on...and well the hills are still pretty tough on my 260 pound body.  But I am pretty psyched that I did it!!  If hubby had stayed home, I am sure I would have just taken my normal 1/2 hour walk.  So anyway...a pretty big WOW moment for me today.  :0)


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