4 Days Post-Op

Jun 22, 2013

Well, I had my surgery on Tuesday, was released from the hospital on Wednesday. Here it is Saturday night and I feel absolutely wonderful. I have some minor pain from my liver, but it is bearable and I haven't used any Tylenol or anything today. I have been shopping and even went out to watch my sons baseball game the day after I was released. I am not saying I am 100%, but I am doing way better than I expected. I am not having any problems getting my fluids in and have had no dumping. I am very happy. I was sort of upset when I came home and realized I gained 9 pounds with the surgery, but I knew it was water and swelling that was causing this. Now four days out and I have lost the 9 pounds PLUS an additional 6 pounds...15 pounds total! I see my doctor on Monday and I just know he will be pleased, I had a rough patch with my edema 2 weeks before surgery and it was questionable as to if I was going to be able to have the surgery. Today my feet are swollen to high hell (95 degree weather with humidity) but he didn't want me to start back on my medicine until at least Monday if I could make it. One more day...and for all that I have went through I guess I can hang on another day. I know this is just the beginning, but I am so optimistic and hopeful that will reach my goal! Okay I am done ranting! I just wanted to let people know that post-op is not always horror stories...some turn out pretty darn good!




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Mar 12, 2013
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