January 2010

Jan 18, 2010

Wow , time flies ! The holidays were rough . On top of it , the governor wants to close the institution i've worked for for over 25 years . I am a Vocational Trainer for the developmentally disabled adults . I run a full fledged woodshop . I love the work , but it's taking a toll on my knees . I was hoping for more plastic surgery , but I know now that I need my knees replaced more . Oh well , such is life . I am getting ready to paint & make minor repairs on my late Moms home . We will be putting it on the market , soon . As soon as I get the painting , etc... done I will get my right knee done .Emotionally this has been difficult for all of my family . My sister , who is mentally & physically ill , is no help at all . Thank goodness my sons are willing to help . My youngest son is living there . Unfortunatly he's very messy . I don't know how i'll get the house clean enough & keep it that way to sell it . I have gained 5 pounds , which isn't the end of the world . but I did go buy lots of fruit & veggies today .

1-30 The month is almost over . i can't believe it . I managed to get to my support group for the first time in months . My self esteem has always sucked . I feel like when I go , I have nothing new to offer . I also feel like I talk too much & people might think i'm a know it all . More proof that I had surgery on my stomach , not my brain . Thepeople at the support group are wonderful & don't make me feel that way . It's all on me .


About Me
Buckley, WA
Jun 18, 2006
Member Since

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