Almost one week down

Feb 14, 2011

Today is Day Six of the pre-op diet.  I'm hanging in there.  I must be doing something right because I'm in ketosis and I'm losing weight.  But I can honestly say that today is the first day I've had any energy since I started this diet last week.  For most of last week I sat around in my pajamas and just vegged.  I didn't have the energy to do anything at all.  But today was better, so thank the good Lord for that!

So I'm working my way around the shakes.  May not be legal, but I'm still in ketosis.  I'm still burning fat, which is the point of the pre-op diet.  Have to slim that fatty liver down!

I have a shake for breakfast.  Then I either have a protein bar or a small can of tuna for lunch.  If I have the tuna, I have a glass of skim milk with it.  Around 4 every afternoon I have the Optifast tomato soup.  I've gotten real creative with it!  I mix it with chicken broth or vegetable broth.  Sometime I heat a can of light chicken or vegetable soup, strain the broth out of that, and mix it with the tomato soup powder.  It's all very good.  I think I might buy some more of the optifast soups to have after surgery during that first few weeks.

Then sometimes I'm done eating for the day.  Sometimes I'm not hungry after that.  Or sometimes I eat some tuna.  One night I roasted some chicken and had that.  Just low fat, no carb proteins.  Nothing else.  It seems to be working.

And, of course, I'm taking all my vitamins and supplements.   

I found a couple of groups/forums to join on OH.  I'm happy about that.  I'm going to need a support group, even if it's just on-line.  I live too far away to go to a support group at the Davis Clinic every week.  So I'm making some new friends and I'm looking forward to getting to know them all.

And, one last note, I guess this is the first Valentine's Day in 53 years that I have NOT eaten a piece of candy!  I don't even want one, and that's a first, too!  So Happy Valentine's Day to me!  I'm glad the wait (or is it WEIGHT!) is almost over!

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Cibolo, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 30, 2009
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