
Oct 26, 2014

I received letters from my insurance company that I'd been approved for both an initial meeting with the surgeon and my psych eval. The day after I got them, I was on the phone to the surgical office to schedule, but they told me to wait until they call me. ARGH.

I am very ready.

I'm also ready for other changes - I need to change my living situation, as I don't have much support from hubby and son. I don't have energy to do chores, but hubby first says "OK, hire someone." But when I hired someone for the yard, he caused all sorts of problems. Today we had a cable box outage and he handed off the phone to me after a short wait claiming he needed to eat - he's diabetic after all, and the whole world revolves around his needs. So 1st he butts into my conversation with the help desk, then between calls when I go to check the cable box, he yells at me that he already did that. What? Don't I have any faith in him. Uh, no. After he leaves the room, I check the box and the HDMI cable is missing. 

I'm so sick of the verbal abuse and lack of help. Done. Now I just have to figure out all the moving stuff. And I'll need a car - we only have one at present.


About Me
Boalsburg, PA
Oct 17, 2007
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