Getting Ready

Feb 26, 2010

After being very active most of my life, I found myself having difficulty keeping up with that level of activity, especially after tearing the medial as well as the lateral meniscus in my left knee. After having the notion of bariatric surgery in the back of my mind for a long time, this injury was the incentive to move forward. I was so depressed after the injury. It took my a long time and a lot of pain to get my housework done. I limped when I walked and took forever to get from Point A to Point B. The more depressed I got about not being able to do what I want in terms of activity, I took the leap and began the process to have Lap-Band surgery. There were times when the movement through the process seemed like a snowball on a steep hill. It has been both scary and exciting. My surgery is March 10th. I have had some inner conflict about having the surgery. There are two voices in my head arguing about the wisdom of this decision. The one voice keeps reminding me that I have failed on every diet know to humankind so what makes me think I will be successful this time. The other voice tells me that this will be a life-changing experience and I will be a healthier me from now on. I think one of the most distressing thing about my obesity is the lack of respect from those in my working environment. I am the director of a learning center where we provide tutoring and other learnng support activities for college students. After working so hard to get a Ph. D. and racking up 21 years in the business, I feel that I am constantly disrespected because of my weight. My staff is wonderful and we have a great time together. It is those from my supervisor up who can't seem to get beyond how I look. It will be interesting to see their reaction as the weight comes off.

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Surgery Date
Feb 23, 2010
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