Year End 2009

Dec 28, 2009

Hello, OH family, it's been a while since i have been here.  There are so many things that have happened in this year.  I am still unemployed but now I know why.  I lost my uncle the earlier part of this year, my husband of 15 years just passed away November 30, 2009 which has caused me great sadness.  He was with me throughout this journey from day one, even when i was overweight.  He accepted all of me as i was.  He prided himself in making and keeping me happy.  I cherish all that we had, he was my friend, partner, soulmate, there will never be another like him.  I miss him everyday with each passing minute.

I am down to a size 13/14, it has been steady the past few months until my husband's untimely passing.  My current weight is 190, bra size has shrunk to 40I that may not seem like alot, but trust me, 52G is much larger.  There are days i look in the mirror and still can't believe that i can see my old self and then there are days i think will by some reason will i gain all that weight back?  I don't never wanna be back in that position to have the health issues, loss of movement, being handicapped and trapped inside of a shell. 

Yes, my stomach sags, inner thighs are wrinkled, under arms are sagging but so what.  Those are the things to expect when the skin stretches. I don't exercise at all, i have really fallen off.  My diet is the same, i don't weigh my food because i don't eat big portions anyway.  You may as well say, I have proportion control.  The only bad thing i can say is that I don't drink protein anymore and i promised myself i will start again because i know that is vital to my health.  I have just started taking vitamins again.  A friend of my mine told me never to stop taking the vitamins because your organs may not be able to absorb enough from food, in turn may cause your organs to shut down (she had a friend in the hospital with that issue).  So don't stop taking your vitamins.

Me and my bbf are the same size, we don't look it because she is shorter and we both are maintaining and being each other's rock.  With all the bad things going on around me, she has truly been an angel in my life.  

Even after losing my husband i was blessed with the birth of my first grandchild, Kassidy Sheila-Marie Johnson, (which i have fallen completely head over heels in love with) her birthdate was predicted by my husband weeks before he passed.  He was waiting for her just like i was.   Without God in my life I know that I would have stumbled and fell, but he has his workers working real hard to hold me together. 

Until next update, Happy New Year's to everyone, i pray next year be a better prosperous one for all. 


About Me
Detroit, MI
Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2008
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