Two Month Post-op Visit Today

Jul 02, 2010

So, today was my two month post-op visit but my actual date for two months is tomorrow 7/3.  I dropped down to 196.5 on my scale naked first thing in the morning.  After getting dressed my scale was 198.8 and then I started drinking my morning protein shake.  At the doctor's office I weighed in at 200.2.  Ugh .3 away! I wanted to ask for a do over.  I wanted to say wait I need to pee and can I take off a layer and just have on my tank top?  However, I said nothing and told myself it does not matter in the end. 

So, my surgeon's office said I have lost 33% of my EW since surgery.  They said that the average is 25 - 35% of EW in first two months so I am right on target.  They said that they worry if it gets above the 35% in the first two months because you may not be getting in enough calories and your body is using up muscle.  They said I should expect weight loss to now average 1-2 pounds a week for the next four months.  Some weeks I may lose 5 lbs and some 0 lbs but that it should average to 1-2 pounds a week over time.  They said I should start eating between 700 - 800 calories a day and that my protein and supplements are more important than ever.

I am released to eat everything now as I can tolerate (except sugars) including apples! I've already been eating salad but I can go more crunchy now.  Yeah!  They encourage me to stick with only complex carbs which I will of course.  Protein first!

Overall, despite the 200.2 (ugh!) I had a very successful visit and felt encouraged when I left!  I decided to leave my "naked" morning weight of 196 lbs be on my ticker as that is the only way in which I will weigh in at home besides I don't think I should have to count my clothes!  I have to find a lighter weight outfit... LOL!

