Consultation Completed.

Jan 19, 2010

All that worry for nothing, the consultation went off with out a cinch. After signed off on the final papers as I waited to be called to the back.  Of course, this lil ole lady comes in and sits down.  As I am signing my papers she looks at me and says wow you did really great with your surgery how much did you lose, you skin is beautiful Ohhh Weee, ok reality check I am back. I responded no ma'am I have not had surgery yet, having my consultation, she gives me a hug and says you are going to be more beautiful when you hit goal.  I almost cried right then.  Ok..ok. I go in get weighed up y am I up, I guess it's a good thing...hehehe. Ok I am told by the nurse that my doc is running a lil behind because of surgery, no problem I go ahead with the nurse..who explains the process, then the dietician who explains everything and tells me depending on my insurance it may or may not be the last time I see her until after surgery. comes this nice built older gentleman run into the room with his coat on. He apologizes like for 5 minutes, it's ok your staff was very pleasant and explained your delay, so I was able to talk to everyone else prior to you.  He went over the surgery, asked questions and asked me when I wanted the surgery.  He told me that with the surgery I chose and my history and body...I should be at goal before my year. I am thinking my prior of 145-160...He wants 125, we will see when I cross that road.  He gives me the ok to continue with the insurance coordinator....ok heart is about to drop. Hahahah, she explained to me because of my insurance I would have a$175 deductible, ok and a $875 co-pay alright, so what's the hidden cost. Nothing everything is included and covered by my insurance. SO no out of pocket for followup or emergency consults or support session post-op. Of course the kid is very elated.  Ok, here is where all the excitement comes in....drum roll please*****I don't have to do the sleep study, stress test, upper GI.  I am not required by insurance to do any medically supervised diets or visits.  I just have to see the Pscy and do a blood test,  and have my PCP fill out a treatment form then I am ready for paperwork to go to insurance company and get my loser bench date....
Sorry for the long post but soooooo excited....I'm so exicted I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I just can't hide it.  I am gonna b like Jill Scott,I will be living my life like it's GOLDEN...Gd NIte

I can do all things through CHRIST who strenghtens me!Thank You Jesus


About Me
Detroit, MI
Surgery Date
Sep 04, 2009
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