2 mths 6 days update - over half way ----onederland--46LBS gone

Jun 15, 2011


So where do I start.??????????????????? It seem like the last month went by very fast. I am feeling too great and the compliments are unbearable now. I am proud to say I am 199lbs and way over my half way point. 47lbs lost.

I realized that the surgery is definitely not a quick fix. It has helped me drop the weight quickly but I believe 60 percent is also about how I exercise. I have been working out twice a day for six days. I typically run outside at least 4 times a week 6 miles a day. they the other two morning, I walk on the tread mill and burn at least 1000 calories. In the evening, I go to a high impact step aerobics class three times a week and then walk on the tread mill for the other three days. I have participated in every fun run we have had out here is Iraq post surgery two months ago-----which is every Sunday...These races range from a 5k to 10k's. I was training for an 18k but because of operational commitments, I couldn't’t partake in that.....I was really upset about that but soon realized i have the rest of my life to run a half marathon. It is amazing the support I get from others runners when I am on the street. People I do not even know.

Because I have been exercising, I have not gained a stretch mark on my body-yayyyy. I religiously put bio-oil on my body daily. I believe that is a key factor in preventing stretch marks.

On a bad note, I still have high dosage of ketones in my urine. I am not cramping as bad I was in the beginning but I know I will have to see a doctor when I get back. M doc here said I was boarder line anemic.. I am taking a double dosage or my iron pills now because there are not "green leafy vegetables" out here in Iraq.

Up till this date, I still have a protein shake once a day..Mostly in the evenings. I love the unjury shakes and sometimes, I feel like I can just live of that. Every now and then, I have cravings and I satisfy my cravings but do not over do it.
Other than that and loosing a few friends, I am doing great.....I just love my sleeve


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About Me
san diego, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 25, 2011
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