Blogging Really Inspires Conversation...

Jun 28, 2011

One of the things I love about blogging on OH is that I get some excellent feedback!  I want to thank Kim S for stating the obvious to me - I really need to shake up my exercise routine.  I went to a new to me support group last night, and they had a speaker who instructs Jazzercise.  Looking around the room, I was hands down the largest attendee, but I still kept up, even though I almost took the lady out who was behind me -- I swear I get dyslexic when doing Aerobics.  Other than my left knee telling me I had started to hyper extend it, I did a passable job for the three routines I participated in.  Last night I was inspired to look for my old exercise tapes.

Yes, I have routines on VHS, gasp!  I used to belong to an organization way back in the 1990's, Women at Large.  An exercise group primarily for larger women.  Basically, they tailored their routines to the ability of those of us who are, well, less flexible & not as able to jump up and down.  Having started out pretty close to 500 pounds a year ago, I know there will be limits for me to deal with.  I am currently 340 pounds, which is closer to the weight I was when I attended the Women at Large classes, so I should be able to get back to the "old routine" in no time.  For many of us "heavy weights," it really does hurt to do simple things like hiking, walking, and forget running for now.  Maybe age, maybe maturity, I just know I do not believe the old mantra "no pain, no gain".  My next problem I have to figure out, where to hook up a VCR?  I did purchase DVD exercise routines, but I think I will start with routines I have been able to perform in the past, as I want to look good - if only in my own eye.  When improvement comes, I will rotate the harder routines in.

Thank you to everyone who sends me comments, I really do appreciate that others get where I am coming from.  The added "atta girls" REALLY make me feel like I can continue to improve on the shell that holds this wacky woman.  When I am able to objectively look at what I am doing, I then can recognize where I am going wrong, and work toward changing the behavior.  Man, if excuses cost me money, I would be in debtors prison!  So, think about that comment the next time you use an excuse.  I am losing slowly because I am not 100% compliant.  Okay, then if being 100% compliant is what I need to do, I just need to manage my behavior more closely.  Just because one scoop of ice cream won't make me dump, doesn't mean I can or should eat it (I did add it to my food journal - so at least I wasn't lying to myself).  Man, I hate having to face reality.

I used to teach, Special Education was my field of interest.  What I always told my students was this:  I respect the work you are doing, because you have to work twice as hard to catch up with others.  That is kind of what being fat feels like.  I have to work twice as hard to see the results others seem to get with little effort.  This isn't an excuse, this is my reality.  If I need to do double the time doing floor work, swimming, aerobics to see progress, well, then that is what I have to do.  Facing facts isn't always pleasant, but it is better than just making an excuse for not having to follow through.  You see, an old dog can learn a new trick. 

As for the pounding my knees and feet take doing exercise, I am going to borrow my daughter's bicycle.  I used to bicycle up to 40 miles a day, so let's see what I can do on two wheels!  Before anyone says it first, I will be "Hell on Two Wheels!"  Endurance has always been my strength.  I may not be as fast as my smaller counterparts, but I can usually outlast them!  There is no greater pleasure for me than when I get some swimmer in the next lane who can swim flat out for one length, leaving me in there wake, only to have me swim two more lengths before they return on the second! 

Taking the opportunity to switch up my exercise routine is a very good thing.  Just remember that the best exercise to do is the one you can stick to on a regular basis...

Brenda : )~

