September, Already???

Sep 13, 2011

Wow, it just seems unreal that September isn't just here, it's halfway into the month and I just cannot seem to get a moment to myself... 

For those who have been following my goal of swimming 5000 meters (3.10 miles) in under two hours by end of Summer - I came REALLY close, 4800 meters is as far as I could get.  Less than two stupid tenths of a mile is what kept me from my goal, so I am a bit bummed.  But on the happier side of the equation, I DID accomplish 4800 meters (2.98 miles) in under two hours.  The Aquatic Center being closed for almost a month didn't help, but I have swam to date - 335 MILES for the year, and I am still swimming!

I haven't replied to an email from a friend here on OH yet, so I am going to include a little about my swimming in here.  Folks ask me all the time how can I swim so much?  Well, a few things to consider when you choose your activity or exercise: What is something you will ENJOY doing daily (or at least three times a week); What can you do without pain daily?  For me, it is swimming.  I started out at a scale busting 474 pounds, and by the way, swimsuits DO come in my old size, and even larger - so ask me if you need some suggestions on where to buy one!  My swimming started like most folks, as a child I LOVED the water.  As an adult, I NEED to be near the water - maybe it's just in my head, but I find comfort in living near a body of water.  Water is very kind to large bodies - we float so well!  But on the opposite side of that coin, we also aren't very streamline, so maybe not as fast as our trim counterparts.  So, if you decide to set a goal for yourself, make it realistic.

When I started swimming as my "activity of choice," I was no where close to being able to swim the distance I can now.  See how I didn't call it exercise?!  With anything in life, you start somewhere, and go from there.  My first days in the pool swimming laps weren't easy, but at the same time, not too hard.  Why?  Because I listened to my body.  I started swimming 20 minutes at a time, about 500 meters.  I like swimming in a pool that is set up either at a 25 or a 50 meter length (Olympic size pools are 50 meters - just ask your pool what their length is), as it is easy for my math skills!  I swim in an indoor pool - welcome to the Pacific Northwest!  But, it is a good option, as I can go YEAR ROUND without whining too much about how cold it is.  The pool many days is WARMER than outdoors here in Seattle, so it is a wonderful treat for me!  
You may say, "but I can barely swim Freestyle (dog paddle, or whatever)..."  Doesn't matter what you do - what matters is that you DO IT!  The Aquatic Center where I swim offers a walking pool - 0 inches to I believe 3 feet - so even walking in a pool for a half hour or more gives you resistance without the weight bearing our lower body may not like.  Think about it, gravity is cruel to those of us who weigh more than the average person, so water is a kinder, gentler option!  Look at options in your area, there is usually some pool program that offers classes, or even go down & tread water -- the movement is what you are shooting for.

Another thing I use in my daily swims, MUSIC!  Swimming for two hours a day can be good for thinking things through, but for someone like me, I need some type of distraction that will keep me from over thinking too many things.  Yup, I have a mind that churns so much, I should just add cream & make butter!  You don't need an expensive Waterproof MP3 Player, mine was cheap, you can also get bags for your existing MP3 - iPod - or heck even a CD Disc Player - but that would just be silly!!!  Look on eBay, Amazon, I found mine on Overstock, and it was less than $28 delivered.  I also found out that regular earphones or buds won't kill you or destroy them (use a CHEAP set before testing your iPod Ear Buds), as long as the player is not going to get wet on the inside, that is the thing you need to be aware of.  Hmmm, maybe I will test my theory with a baggie and tape... Who knows, Goodwill may have a cheap player I can test this theory with!  Anyhow, I choose to play my music on random, and I choose faster tempo songs -- it works for me, sets my pace, and then keeping count of all my laps is all I have left to worry about.

For folks like me who aren't very coordinated, I use a mask and snorkel.  I hate the lifting my head to one side to breathe, and keeping your head out of the water while swimming laps WILL make your back/neck hurt!!!  I am very aware of my body mechanics, considering I have been at this two years now, so I try to pay attention to how my arms & legs work together, how straight my back is, holding in my tummy (best that I can), and making sure my back is flat.  The snorkel is a great option, not just for being "lazy," it also allows you to take deeper breaths and makes your lungs even stronger!  But, just to let you know, if you push yourself TOO HARD, the snorkel will cause you to get rid of "lung butter".  Many a day after swimming, did I hack in the shower, and yes, it makes you feel like you are about to cough up one or both lungs -- so don't push too hard, listen to your body.  

Swimwear.  Okay, so you hate the way you look in clothing, how the world will you have the guts to face the pool crowd in spandex?!  I will tell you to go to my photos, and LOOK.  I have laughed about, "I'm not too fat, they still make swimsuits in my size!"  So, if I can face the world, so can you.  It may take a little time for you to become comfortable, so grab a pair of bike shorts & wear them over the suit -- do whatever makes you more comfortable.  Heck, I sometimes feel self conscious in the showers at the Aquatic Center, but I still do my daily ritual -- for ME.  Who knows, maybe there will be folks thinking YOU are so confident, as YOU hold your head up & face the world in all your glory (nekid, for those not following my drift).  My mother said I was the strongest person she ever knew, because I faced the world in my body, everyday.  Hiding is for children, and I hate to say this, but this is the month of my birthday - I am NO child!  The cool thing to consider, when you start losing MORE weight (from "activity"), you are also tightening your core, you will be able to get MORE swimsuits, cheaper!  I now own quite a few suits, when I started swimming in the beginning, I had one suit.  Soon, I bought two more suits.  Now, I scan for sales & I own at least five suits & have retired three to Goodwill!

Protein.  This is the next building block in my daily activity, I drink a meal replacement shake before I swim.  If you haven't read my blogs - my drink of choice is Chike.  Go to - you can get a trial pack of all their flavors (five, so far) in full serving sizes for $7 -- tell them Brenda told you about them, they may surprise you (call them & see what they say!!).  I do drink protein drinks, but MEAL REPLACEMENT is the key here.  I get a fully balanced meal that will keep my muscles going for two hours, and frankly, they taste great, too.  Doing the math, I can get my required nutrition for under $2, and it is better for me than say a Happy Meal, which I think is more than two bucks.  Protein and complex carbohydrates are NECESSARY for you if you are going to push your body hard.  I usually have one or two scrambled eggs, a Chike shake, and then I head to the Aquatic Center & push my body.  I don't have issues with being lightheaded WHEN I fuel up!  Consider that the next time you feel woozy just bending over.  After surgery, your body is different & needs more protein, so feed your body and it will take great care of you!

Let activity change your life!  It doesn't have to hurt - it SHOULD NOT HURT - so go out & find what feels good for you!  Walking is a great activity, and costs you nothing.  For me, it aggravates my tendon, so I can only walk so far without being in pain the rest of the day.  Swimming works for me, so I do it daily.  Try a bike ride.  I love to bicycle, and it doesn't hurt my ankle and tendon as much as walking does, and I get to see my neighborhood.  If you start out just three days a week, for at least 20 minutes, you will soon see that you can go further, and you really do feel better.  The byproduct of losing FASTER is just an added bonus!  Do your body a favor, become active!

Brenda : )~

