I Feel Super Human... 5000 Meter Goal, MET!

Sep 22, 2011

As I sit here, feeling almost too exhausted to drink from my water bottle, only one other human on the face of this planet knows my latest feat of super human endurance -- yeah, a little dramatic, but come on, give a girl something to party about!  Earlier this year I started really bumping up my swimming, and I am keeping track - today makes miles swam: 351 - but ONE GOAL seemed to elude me, sigh!  I vowed I would break 5000 meters in under two hours by end of Summer, and seeing as tomorrow is the First Day of Autumn (and my birthday!), I did it!!!

For all you out there trying and not seeing a particular goal within your reach, I want to tell you this particular goal was one of my hardest, and I'll admit, won't be done again for at least a few days (ha ha, or more).  When I started this journey, I could swim 500 meters, with breaks.  It has taken me nine months to finally get to this very point, and today, one hour and fifty-five minutes - without taking a water break - I finally was able to slay my dragon!  It takes time, a whole lot of patience, and of course believe that YOU can do anything you set your mind to -- maybe not right away, but with time & practice, you will get there, too!

I was kind of bummed no one was at the reception desk after I showered & drank my Low Sodium V8, so I had to wait until I got to my truck to send a text message to one of my favorite people in the world, and say "Looks like this old dog still has some tricks in her!"  Yup, I am emotionally doing my Snoopy Dance - physically, I am just wondering when my shoulders will stop hurting!  Oh, and the burn, I am tempted to take my temperature -- I feel hot, the current temperature in Seattle - 74 degrees!

Ha ha ha, and I even left my groceries on the counter - after grabbing some raw cauliflower.  I was hungry, tired, and I cannot remember ever enjoying cauliflower as much as today, I guess I really am tired!  Things are looking pretty good to me at the moment, so when I say "stay positive," it really does make a difference -- so STAY POSITIVE!

Woot... Woot... too tired for any more exclamation points...
Brenda : )~

