How Long Did It Take???

Jan 04, 2012

Mile eight, done... Just 592 more to swim for 2012.

Howdy folks!  With all the time I have to spend thinking while I swim, I sometimes come up with things I want to talk about, share, write, so here goes.  One of the subjects that struck me is length of time to get surgery.  So many of us have a long wait, and frustration sets in.  To give some perspective of how long I have invested in my journey, I talked long and hard with my doctor about my wanting to "get serious about my weight," back in 2008.  I spent that year working hard, that is when I started swimming.  By the beginning of 2009 I had not lost enough weight to really make much of a difference, so I went back to my doctor to ask for her to write a referral to get into a Bariatric Program.  She was hesitant, but after all my food and exercise journals I shared, she agreed.

Sadly, I had to put my wishes for surgery on hold, I was in an auto accident that side lined me for 14 months.  Talk about frustration, I was finally ready, but had to put my plans on hold -- I also was not able to swim for 5 months.  Swimming helped me mend, so swimming is great for rehabilitation, too.  Starting again from square one, I entered the University of Washington's Bariatric Program in February of 2010.  With a long list of hoops to jump through, I was diligent and ready to do whatever was called of me.  I did the psych evaluation, the nutrition classes, was seen by Physical Therapy to make sure I would be mobile after surgery (they happily gave me a pass after just three weeks).  I did all the tests for cardiovascular, upper GI, and a few I know I am forgetting.  Then, I hit the wall.  One member of the team at UW decided that my asking for therapy took it upon herself to say I couldn't get my surgery until I had a therapist working with me.  My medical coverage does NOT cover mental health services, so I was in trouble.

So, my suggestion, think twice before you ask for something you cannot get on your own, hoping you will get assistance getting it.  Me being me, I negotiated with the social worker, that if I got a third party to evaluate me and pass me, could I then get surgery without getting a therapist?  She agreed.  I paid, out of pocket, for a therapist who worked specifically with Bariatric patients, and I passed.  The social worker then pushed my file onto someone elses desk, they went off her original notes of my asking for help getting therapy, so no matter what a third party said, it did not matter.  I started looking for another Bariatric Program. 

Sadly, I really liked the surgeon I had chosen at UW, so I decided I wanted a "perfect fit," and was willing to put effort into meeting the right surgeon.  Three surgeons later, I finally found the right surgeon,  and started the whole process all over again.  Luckily I only lost six months.  Having already jumped through hoops, I was basically ready to go.  Sad thing, most patients aren't this ready this quick, so you then have the problem of falling through the cracks.  I was voluntarily weighing in every week, until the nurse pushed the issue with the surgeon's Nurse Practitioner, and they made an appointment for me to see the surgeon.  I was worried that it was October by this point, I had to have surgery by December, or I would have to put it off until Mach of 2011.  Dr Jeffery Hunter laughed when I told him my schedule, "How does November sound?" 

With all that has happened in the last year, I just consider all the time it took to get me here as a small payment for where I am now.  Patience is something we all need to have, but also be assertive when you need to be.  When I consider where I was - weightwise & physically a year ago, it helps put the waiting into perspective.  I spent one whole year working on my weight without surgical intervention, so I know I have gotten a lot further in this last year.  Don't spend your energy thinking about the "should'a, would'a, could'a," and just do it.  Maybe the first year (2008) was a waste of time to some, but it actually taught me how hard this journey is and that I did need help.  When you are facing six months of nutrition classes, a certain amount of weight to lose before a date is scheduled, consider how long it took to get to the weight you presently are.

In the entirety of our lives, what is a year, two or even three?  I now have so many more years of quality living that I may not had, had I not pulled my big girl panties up and faced I needed help.  When people in my support groups, or even here on OH start talking about their frustration, I try to tell them - the short version - how long it took for me.  Eight months of support group meetings, saying my name, saying "I am waiting for surgery" was frustrating, but I never gave up.  Support, that is one of the top five things I tell people to have in place before getting surgery.  I am just over one year out of surgery, and have lost 165 pounds, and am happily waiting until March 29, 2012 to get my first procedure for removing my pannus.  Would I like an earlier date?  Sure, but I still just dance around knowing I finally know when my life will improve, again.

If you are starting out, frustrated over a plateau, feel free to reach out to me or anyone else.  Luckily, if you are on Obesity Help, you will have an easy time to find someone who has gone through what you are going through, and they can share what worked for them.  Ha ha, I found drinking 16 ounces of peppermint tea a day is helping me become "regular".  With all the things I have tried to combat my lifelong constipation, I accidentally found something that works for me.  So, there is one more nugget to knock around - maybe peppermint tea will help you, too!

One more plug for my new idea -- if you have a swimsuit (or suits) you have grown too small for, how about paying it forward?  I am looking for usable suits to distribute to ANYONE who wants or needs them!  I still have some extended sizes (beyond 32), so hit me up!!!  If you can live without the donation credit on your taxes, I will accept (and try to pay the shipping) any and all suits, so please private message me here - or [email protected]

On that note -
Stay positive!!!
Brenda : )~

