I felt strange during the change of the year 2010-2011

Jan 23, 2011

I felt dizzy in the few days before New Year's but didn't want to tell my wife and ruin her holiday.  She had her mother and brother visiting for the long weekend.  After they left on Sun, 01-02-11, I told my wife Karen how I had felt.  I had felt woozy  upon rising in the morning and was afraid of what had caused it.  I had been having a hard time with insomnia for a few days but didn't think that was the cause of my problem.  As time went on, I became concerned every time I went to use the PC because my fingers were not typing what my brain was thinking.  I'm a touch typist and generally do not need to look at the keys to type.  That actually confuses me at times because I no longer have to look for the keys, I know they go with certain fingers.  Of course I make mistakes and I can make monstrous mistakes when I sit down to type and do not have my index fingers over the "home keys of F and J."  Thank God there is that little ridge on those keys to remind me where to start.  Well, I was making all kinds of mistakes and I couldn't correct them fast enough.  I finally gave up and just posted with the mistakes.  That may have been good for me, but no one understood what I was posting and I got no responses.

I knew that I was going to see my shrink on Wed, 01-05-11 so I had my wife come with me when I went to see him.  In the interim, I had sent an e-mail about my condition to a few trusted friends and relatives.  I brought a copy and gave it to the shrink.  He said that, other than a lot of typos, the writing was clear and that there was no indication of a stroke -as I had feared-- or of a manic attack.  He said I was obviously sleep deprived and suggested that I go home and get plenty of sleep.  I asked about possibly getting a CT scan or blood work but he said they were unnecessary and then he talked to my wife about what a hypochondriac I am and how I'm always butting in when he's trying to talk.  HE also said that he would continue to be my shrink, but that MY LIFE WOULD BE TERMINAL  unless I lost some serious weight.  I've been seeing him for several years and he never said that before.  However, he went on Atkins this past summer and has lost 40 lbs and has that fist time loser's zeal.  He made an appt to see me again on 03-30-11.  I still didn't feel well., but went home and got about 14-18 hrs sleep per day for the next several days. 

By Sun, I was still having the same problem with the typing, so I told my wife that I was going to call my primary doc's office on Mon 01-10-11 to see if he wanted me to have any tests done before my appt with him on Mon, 01-17-11.  I called the doc's office Mon morning and he called back later in the day.  He had us come down to get a script for blood work and he set up an appt for a CT scan.  By the time the scan was done on Th, my typing seemed to be getting better and I started feeling better.

When I saw my primary of 01-17-11, I had my wife come with me because she had been a witness to what had gone on at the shrink's office.  I hoped that everything was alright and my primary said that it was.  I did not have a stroke.  The Shrink had been right.  All's well that ends well.  This past week I had my yearly echo because I have a small hole in my heart valve.  My cardiologist has told me that I'll eventually need an operation to repair it, but they have to wait for the hole to get larger.  Sounds strange to me, but I'll see her in mid March to discuss it.  I got weighed at doc's and now weigh 336 which is the lowest weight in I don't know how long--at least the lowest weight since several years prior to my original RNY.  Now I have my sights on getting between 325 and 330.  I feel better, I want to exercise more, and I want to stay on my post-op food plan.  That is, I'm not eager to cheat.  Bob


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Willingboro, NJ
Surgery Date
Aug 20, 2004
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