Oh, the scale... it's being so cute...

Dec 09, 2012

My scale has a sense of humor.

I woke up on 12/7 at 175.5 and was all woo-hoo! I figured it would float back up or hopefully down and I could do the "I lost 200 pounds dance"

I woke up on 12/8 at 175.5. Seriously.

I woke up on 12/9 at 175.5. Okay, now that's just freaking mean.


Come on... move up or down or something! I have never gotten the same freaking weight 3 days in a row. Either it's being funny or my husband had figured out a way to hack the damn thing so it keeps showing me that. Hmmm... must check his search history for "hack withings scale" and see if he's been messing with it.

;) It's all good... it'll happen when it's supposed to. I, literally, laughed out loud this morning when I saw the number though!


About Me
Austin, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2010
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May 2011, 375 pounds
July 2013, 150 pounds

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