Still holding on~ 6 year surgiversary post

Aug 02, 2010

Tomorrow is my 6 year surgiversary...

6 years~ It's still hard to wrap my mind around it sometimes.  Feels like it was only yesterday and I was still researching the surgery (RNY was all my insurance would cover back then/ and I researched for 2-3 years before I took the plunge).  It feels like yesterday that I went to my first consult and weighed over 300 lbs.  It feels like yesterday that I looked up at my surgeon and told him I would be ok, then woke up with my new stomach.

My WLS journey has not been without it's ups and downs, of course.  I am not fully "healed" from everything I was sick with before the surgery.  Some new problems have arisen, but I fight back and I fight back hard.  I will never regret my decision to have RNY and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

I have been fortunate and blessed to have 2 beautiful post-op babies.  I will be unable to have any others, since my hysterectomy last September, but I know I would have never had the 2 I have without my RNY.  Krysten starts to school in 2 weeks now and Tyson will be 2 in October.  I am certainly a proud momma!

As for weight?  I'm holding steady between 135-140 lbs.  I am wearing a size 4, sometimes a 6, and a sm/med shirt.  I'm thrilled with the progress.  Sure there's a little more "plastics" I'd like done, but I'm thrilled and content.  I know that WLS isn't a contest to see who is the smallest and prettiest... it's a journey to health, and the better looks are a bonus prize.  Though, I must say.... Shopping and fashion are sooooo much more fun these days!  Now I LOVE to shop and it's no longer dreadful to try on clothes.  In fact, I enjoy posing in the mirrors now lol.

Thank you all for being here on this journey with me~ I would have never been able to maintain without the support of all my friends in the OH community.  Love to you all!

~ Renae


About Me
Cibolo, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 21, 2004
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