Lazy daisy Mel

Aug 21, 2012

Well today I woke with a headache and have been very lazy. I find that I spend a lot of time thinking about how much i will weigh and what size I will be on such and such a day, month etc.. My son is getting married in January and I would really like to be at my goal weight by then and in what size will I be - I don't know. Everyone is different so I can't go by what others on the OH site say because my proportions are just that, my proportions lol. I can only hope that I will fit into an 8 Tadashi formal gown as it is a black tie affair. Lord I hope my feet will be able to endure the high heels for the evening :). But that is not the only event I wonder about. In Sept I will be 3 months out and on the 12th heading for Chicago will I still be wearing the same size I am now or will I need to get a smaller size for the trip? Then the end of Sept we are going to Vegas to spend a week with our good friends from Michagan. Again I ask myself what will I be wearing and will I have lost enough to buy a smaller size? October will be 4 months out just shortly after my 52 bd on the 8th and again I wonder what i will weigh will I be down 20 pounds more by then or more or less? Then comes 5 months out on the 12 of Nov and we travel to Michagan for hunting season. Winter cloths what size? how much will I weigh? My mind is full of these questions day after day night after night I think about this craziness! In some ways it is fun to imagine, but I am such a realist and so analytical that it can paralyze me.  

Enough of that lets move on to something else. This past weekend my husband came in while I was sleeping and said, "what have you been teaching this puppy"? I said what do you mean? He said, "When I am going to the bathroom she jumps up on me, puts her arms around my neck and gives me hugs and kisses!" I laughed and said, Yeah she just started doing that a few days ago and I thought it was cute, so I don't discourage her. lol

This morning I weighed in at 194.9 I feel like that is so close to 195 that it shouldn't count :( Since my weight loss has slowed down to around 2 pounds a week I don't think I will have much of a scale victory for a few more days. 
Just thankful it is still going down and my tool is working :) 
I thank the Lord for his many blessing on me and my family. 


About Me
Lauderhill, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 10, 2012
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