Facts I didn't know. :D

May 05, 2014

I just had my intake appointment this past weekend and it was really REALLY  nice to speak to someone about the details about all this!

They no longer put people for surgery that may have the most complications. They're finding that the people that do NOT get surgery right away end up developing the same complications! Thus defeating the whole program! So now it's all the wait-list and your place in line. They don't bump you because you suddenly develop sleep apnea or something.

They really encourage you to NOT go out of country/province to get the surgery.

Calgary has the lowest amount of money provided for these surgeries, in the entire. province. They don't know why. They just don't get as much as other cities. So they keep ask for money and keep waiting. But because of this, they can only do between 50-75 surgeries per YEAR that are obesity related.

Just because you have tried a million things in the past does not mean you're automatically eligible for surgery, your mental state and well-being play a large part. Because of things that happened to me in my lifetime they are recommending that I see the psychologist for a follow up assessment. YAY! not...

But it's all good. 

I've booked my six mandatory classes, 2 optional ones and an appointment with the psychologist. After all that, I need to meet the nutritionist and then go back a month later for a final assessment with the first woman. THEN I'll be on the wait-list for surgery, meet the surgeon, etc.

I hope to keep blogging about the progress I make/don't make/struggle with. You would do me good by reading and commenting where you want!

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