Checking In

Apr 02, 2010

Well time has been gonig by fast. I see that the last post I had was about a month ago, so I thought I better post something. Everything is still going good. I had not lost anything on my last Doctors visit, which bummed me out a little but I think it was due to eating out so much. My son is in high school bowling and we were traveling around for a lot of weekend. Not much choice at the bowling alley. So I have to make sure i bring something in a cooler and leave it in the car. I will do better. I got my new bike a few weeks ago and finally biked over a mile today. Not bad considering where I was about 5 months ago. Weather is starting to warm up so I hope I can start sweating even more. I have over 100 lbs still to lose. I would love to see 265 lbs by September. Its a goal. Well I will be back later. Take care!


About Me
Bay City, MI
Surgery Date
Mar 29, 2009
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Me at my highest weight
Me so far as of 3/07/16

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