50 pounds down since March; 27 lbs since "official" pre-op appt

Jul 31, 2011

When I realized I was down 50pounds (omg!) I looked at the big bag of dog food for reference; it's only 40 pounds and it is HUGE!  Wow!  I lost 23 prior to my official pre-op appt on July 7th, surgery was July 18th and have lost 27 in just 3 weeks! Holy crapola!!!!   I'm not sure what my expectations were, but they are definitely being met!  I get frustrated when I enter my height on the BMI charts & it shows my weight at a max of 142 to be considered in the "normal weight' range. I haven't weighed that little since I was in 9th grade - around 1980!  But rather than focus on that number I am choosing to celebrate the 50 I've lost instead. but HOW???  I don't want to/need to buy any new clothes or any other "stuff", I don't even want to celebrate with food, oooh I think I may have figured it out - a pedicure or a massage. I've never had a pedicure & definitely need one!  Wow. I can barely grasp it. Maybe because I still have about 120 pounds to go. . .

I do think this will help me "push through" the frustrations I've been having around having to wait 30 mins before and 30 mins after (plus the 20-30 minutes to actually eat) meals-that I can't have liquids. It's been so hot and I need more fluids, but it's hard to get them in with the 1.5 hour gaps around meals. And I've been frustrated with it.

Well, thanks for celebrating with me!!!

ps- I do plan to write about my surgery and recovery experience at some point soon, I will cut & paste selections from messages w/a friend who had surgery the same date so it will be accurate. I'm calling it my "wild ride" like Splash Mountain at Disneyland - lots of emotions, pushing through the fear and the pain, and just doing it!!

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Mar 11, 2011
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