New Year, new me!

Jan 02, 2011

Well the holidays are over.  They were harder than I thought it would be.  Having the surgery right after Thanksgiving, I didn't think it would be a big deal to deal with all the food at Christmas time.  Boy was I wrong.  All I wanted was the food I couldn't have.  Which in some cases I did have.  I found out what my dumping limit was on sugar.  Which is nice to know that I do dump on sugar.  It's not fun though. 

We joined a gym yesterday.  I had been planning this since the surgery, so it is nice to have it done.  I meet with a personal trainer tomorrow morning hopefully to get going on a program.  I am excited to get started hoping it will speed up my weightloss.  I feel like it is coming off slowly.  Since the day of surgery I have lost 19 pounds.  Total with preop diet and loss since surgery I have lost 39 pounds, so not bad for 7 weeks. 

It's nice to think that this time next year I will be a different person.  All of my family that I only see once a year will be seeing a new me next year! 

I meet with the surgeon tomorrow and my nut for my 1 month checkup.  I am anxious to see how he thinks I am doing.

Also I had a 1/4 glass of wine on New Years Eve.  That was enough to do me in.  When they say, "you'll be a cheap date", they mean it.

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Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2010
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