Sleep Study & 1st Support Group1/26/10...

Jan 27, 2010

Wassup OH Fam...

So yesterday I had a full day..I met with my PCP got my weight history for the past 2 years the surgeon's office was requesting for thing marked off my too do list !!
Next on the list was a 2 hour support group hosted once a month by my surgeon's office in which is a pre-op requirement to attend 2 prior to surgery (not sure if it's for Aetna Ins... can't remember). So I was all excited b/c I would get to meet ppl going through the same thing. So I get there and it's a nice turn around 90 ppl Post & Pre-Op. However, it was not what I expected, I thought there would be ppl taking turns standing up telling their story... kinda like an AAA meeting.. oops a I meant NA meeting lol... sorry if anyone is offended by pun intended. Not that I've ever been to one but I've seen those type of meetings on TV and I guess I thought that's what this would be like. But it wasn't , I just enjoy hearing ppl's stories of where they came from and what it took to get them where they are now. However, it started out with the program coordinator presenting the surgeon Dr Louis Fares II with an award for helping patients lose almost 8,000lbs for 2009 !! So, I was stoked to get to see the surgeon and feel him out .. not how he appears to be a very down to earth, warm and caring physician. He was funny and very personable in which is very important!! Then we moved on to a nutrition worksheet to help make healthier choices when dining out. Thereafter the surgeon had a Q & A on both RNY & LAP-BAND. 

After the meeting, I met 2 ladies and we exchanged was nice to meet ppl in my local area, they too are getting Lap RNY... it's nice too meet ppl local for support. It ended around 8 and Overall it was pretty  , I'm off on Tuesdays, so I'll try to go every meeting it's only once a month!!

I also spoke with the Nurse who was there and advised if I get all of my test and depending on the outcome I could get my surgery date ...woo hoo ..even though it'll still be 6 months I just happy I don't have to wait until the 6th month to know

From there I was off to Sleep

And  I'm wondering why they don't call it Sleep
LESS  Study!!!

So I arrive around's a private facility...that's a plus!! (hospitals creep me out). I walk in the suite that was assigned to me and to my surprise it was really nice... there was a Queen size SLEEP NUMBER BED ...42in HDTV mounted on the Wall, nice plush comforter, with over-sized pillows just the way  I like it ... So I'm thinking SWEET this will be like a stay in the hotel w/out hubby ...NOT

Honey, all was well until they told me cell had to be turned OFF, How am I going to ...and then the staff mentioned there's a camera and mic in the room and they will be monitoring all night. Already I'm not feeling this....then he explained he would hook me up to about 15 cords...  WHAT DA HELL!!!
Now, I knew from looking at Sunshine2510 pics that it would be these cords on my face but was not prepared to sleep with something stuck in my darn NOSE!!  After being hooded UP, I go to get in bed and he (staff) takes the over-sized pillows & nice warm pretty comforter and then had the nerve to bring me a thin quilt like blanket...I demanded 2 more (well not demanded..but asked It was super cold in there and during all of this hubby was just enjoying himself on the over-sized reclining chair being master of the TV remote!! So by 11:00pm Andre (staff) asked hubby to leave and I attempted to take it down... I woke up checking  it was only 3:00am... damn back to bed AGAIN and at 6am I told them I was ready to go since  that was the earliest I could back in bed for an hour and was up & ready to go to work by 8:50am.

Boy, I feel for anyone doing a sleep is uncomfortable,  I'm stiff b/c I only sleep on my stomach and that was  impossible.... plus I couldn't enjoy that sleep number bed the way I would've wanted too !!

Until next time!

FYI - Pics of sleep study have been posted..for your

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts !!

Peace & Blessing



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Dec 12, 2009
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