2 months BEFORE...

May 29, 2010

Hey Fam!! It's been a min... I haven't posted but I am always around supporting!! So, I have JUST 2 more months to be exact before I  hit Loser's Bench....woo hoo ...I'm coming 7/29/10 to a seat near you !!

However, I am sad to say I have not kept to my word since the last post, I've not been doing so well with my eating or working out ... I gained 3lbs @ my 4th month pre-op Dr visit...wtf !!  I almost feel as if I got worst since I made the decision to have WLS, as if I will not be able to eat after RNY and it messes w/me emotionally.... but I'm working on that.

Anyways, I am just so happy & thrilled to know I'm well on my way to a new & brighter future!! As the time approaches I am getting a tad bit nervous and just wondering how life with be post op. I just pray post op I continue to be a healthy person, since as an obese person I only suffer from mild arthritis and you know the pain from carrying all the excess weight and the emotional baggage of being morbid obese and not being able to enjoy life but other then that I'm a pretty healthy person and would like to keep it that way!!

On another note: I have all of my testing done except Cardiac and that's schd for 6/10 and everything else was fine. My 5th month pre-op appt w/surgical group is 6/14 and 7/12 is my appt w/the surgeon to go over all the ppwk and meet w/coordinator to go over everything else. I am just so ready to feel comfortable in my skin again and be the person I've always wanted to be but instead hide behind that weight and remained low key to not bring attention to myself... but those days are soon over...a change is coming and I am  for joy!!

As always thanks for reading... peace & blessings

2 month pre-op


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Dec 12, 2009
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