5th month Pre-op Appt...

Jun 14, 2010

OK, so I get there and I'm all day wondering how much I gained because I knew it would be a miracle if I loss; jumped on the scale and dammit there's another 2lbs added on. I can't be mad at nobody but myself, in total pre-op I lost 5lbs the 1st 2 months and managed to put them back on...ain't that a hot mess!!!

Anyways, I have 45 days before surgery WOOT WOOT .... A sista bout to kick it into gear .....I got some EAS whey protein and I'm starting to have that for breakfast (thanks to another great OH member), salad for lunch and a sensible small portion meal for dinner....

So...OH fam I need y'all to keep me in those prayers b/c lord knows I need to get approved by insurance, lose weight to shrink my liver and give myself the best chance possible post-op.

Next and final pre-op appt before submitting pp-wk is July 12th..... I'm trying to lose 10lbs before then... ol boy ... lets get it!!!

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well on their journey!!!

Take Care,

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