
Feb 08, 2011

Today i had one of those horrid moments. The one where you think you might be able to squeeze yourself into a chair, yet when you sit down you kinda can't.

I hate moments like this. It happened when I went to my math class. I scaned the room for somwhere to sit. I then located it, the enemy. That stupid chair. You know, the one where it's connected table and chair. So I subtly looked around to make sure no one was looking, and then i approched the bastard. I eyed it. "Perhaps," i thought, " I can fit." ...nope.

As i attempted to squeeze my self into the monstrosity, i felt every morsal of self confidence drain from my body. I was miserable. All I wanted to do was run out of the classroom and head home where i could feel confortable, out of the cynical views of others, and in a chair that can encompass my huge ass. 

The worst part was the embarrasment, and the feeling that everybody was looking and either laughing or pitying me ( whether they were or weren't). But that wasnt the only problem. You see, I had to sit there for three hours. Three long hours of of having a table dig further into the folds of my fat. Pressing up into my stomach, brusing my skin. i could describe the pain, but i'm sure many of you have been exposed to the same bitter pleasure.

Well, that was my day... and tomorrow, at eight, i shall begin it once again.

I need to find a way to end this, i need some sort of method. This thursday I'm going to a seminar for surgery in New York. Hopefully this will be the right place for me. My goal is to finally sign up for a consultation! I've been anticipating this since the appointmern for the seminar was made. I can't wait!

Wish me luck everyone, as I will for you!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2011
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