Just over 9 months out. WOW.

Apr 23, 2010

How my life has changed.  I started a new job a few days ago.  LOVE it!  I'm graduating from college with an AAS in Human Services in May and the place I did my internship with hired me!  I'm going on for my bachelor's degree in September while working full-time.  I never would have had the self-esteem or the stamina to do this without WLS.  I'm getting off of social security disability! YAY me!  Not a lot of people get to say that.  hummm.  I FEEL good.  I'm taking 2 meds a day instead of 15.  My blood sugars are normal.  I can see a change in my personality and my confidence level.  WLS does so much more for people than helping them to lose weight.  It gave me my life back.  I am so grateful and I promise myself every day that I will not back slide.  I will not screw this up.  I turned 47 just over a week ago, and I haven't felt this good in 25 years.


About Me
Lonaconing, MD
Surgery Date
Mar 06, 2008
Member Since

Friends 27

Latest Blog 45
