Weigh - In

May 03, 2011

OK, so I weighed myself 5 times this morning! I always weight when I get out of bed, and I am half asleep anyway, but this morning I got on there and it showed I weighed 219!!! I stepped off thinking its going crazy again! So i waited for it to reset and I stepped on again. It showed 219 again!!! I said to myself D** scale, I have to do this again because I stepped on to soon!!! Can you believe I am standing in my bathroom cursing at my bathroom scale!!! I got on again and it read 219 again! Then I woke up and realized that I was in fact standing on that scale and that, yes this was my weight for the day ! The last 2 times were just because I wanted to see it AGAIN !!!  
Soooo, now my friends I am only 4lbs away from my 10% goal !!! I had my X-Ray and EKG done yesterday. I have to call the Sleep Lab Friday to see if I can pick up the machine for the Sleep Apnea test. I was told I have to attend at least 1 support group meeting so there is one at Kaiser the 18Th that I will be attending. Then I have an appointment the 19Th with my PCP to, get a Tetanus shot, discuss my Kidney stones and finally, discuss my Diabetes. My last labs showed that my A1c (i think that is what its called) was 7.1, which it has been for some time. My PCP was happy with that and was told that was good for someone with Diabetes!!! I don't understand Dr Hahn's concern about this but he is calling the shots.  He told me he wants to see it at 7 or lower!!! Doesn't make since!!!  As I understand it, those who took meds pre-op no longer have to take them post-op! I have never taken meds to begin with, it has been controlled by DIET. So it will be interesting to see how this unfolds. 
Until next time, GOOD HEALTH to you ALL!!! 


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Mar 27, 2009
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