
Dec 31, 2014

Wow. I just went back and read that post from three (!) years ago. I have since accomplished my personal goals (and lost 50 lbs gained another 30) and am finally ready to take this step. I have a new job and new health insurance, and have a consultation with a surgeon on January 19. After more research, I have decided to press for the DS surgery instead of the sleeve. While I think the restriction will certainly help, and might even get me down to goal, I think that the malabsorption of the DS will increase my chances for long term success. 

I'm also amazed to read back and realize I have all of those same problems, and had kind of glossed them in the intervening years between that post and this. I have recently been thinking about my levels of exhaustion, sleep quality, and joint pains. I am really looking forward to losing the extra 100-130 lbs (that's a WHOLE PERSON) on my frame and lightening the load on my joints, my heart, and my other organs. I want to run without pain, I want to sleep and feel rested, I want to have the energy to keep up with my kids. I'm not going to deny that I like the idea of being thinner as well, especially the idea of being able to shop at thrift stores and find nice things in my size! 

I'm likely to be 3-6 months out from an actual surgery date - my insurance requires a doctor-supervised diet before giving pre-approval. I don't know how long; they only release that information to the surgeon when they call for the pre-approval requirements. It just feels good to be doing something, though. 

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