Weight Loss Journey

Oct 10, 2011

Well, it is the day before my vertical sleeve gastrectomy and I'm both nervous and excited.  And I can't believe that I am actually looking forward to protein shakes !!  I've found over a dozen great sounding recipes on line and can't wait to try them.

I feel so blessed with having the opportunity to have this surgery.  I see it as a second chance on life.  A healthier and more active life.  I've tried many diets and have always regained some if not all of my weight back. I honestly and truly believe that this is just the tool I need to help me succeed and finally win this battle.  It is time for the fat to go !  I want my body back damnit, and I will !!

And I realize that it begins with being honest with myself.  So I started a weigh loss photo album to track my progress.  And let me tell you, it was not easy posting that first pic. Where the hell did my waist line go?!!  I can't wait to see it and my belly button. LOL. I'm scared about the loose skin that I may or may not have.  Because I really don't know how much I will have. So I look at it like this, loose skin is a heck of a lot better than being obese.  I hoping that I will be among the lucky people who no longer need high blood pressure and cholesterol medications anymore. Oh, and no more aches and pains, sore back and knees.  Yep, I would trade all of that for loose skin any day. Well, I will see you tomorrow after I wake up.  
Blessed it be. 

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Surgery Date
Jul 20, 2011
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