Cleared for surgery/pre op diet

Apr 07, 2011

I am on day 4 of my pre-op diet and I am doing better than expected. I had to pass on popcorn at work the other day and tomorrow they are having a potluck. I really wanted some cheese garlic bread. Sucks that I still have to cook for the rest of the family and I can't partake but I'm holding up pretty well. While I would love a slice of pizza or a juicy burger, I'm actually not hungry. Real hunger vs. head hunger.

I had a full day of doctor's visits yesterday...Nutrition consult and pre-surgery class, physical and consent, ekg and anesthesia consult. All is well and I'm still on schedule for my surgery 4/18/11. Man, Easter is gonna be hard this year! All in all, I'm managing so we'll see how it goes. So far I'm down 5 pounds since my liquid diet (I gained 1 the weekend before as I had many "last suppers.")


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 18, 2011
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